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Form Over Function? Don’t Worry! Our Vents Have Both Covered

Aug 26, 2015

When discussing the benefits of vent covers for your home’s forced air registers we can look at two different perspectives, function and form. There are benefits to having custom air vent covers for your home. Here is a quick list of benefits for having custom vent covers for your home. These benefits go for vent covers, register return covers and register covers.

For the function of the covers, they help to keep children’s toys out of the vents. The standard metal vent covers still allow small toys, like cars and small building pieces down where they won’t be found until your ducts are cleaned. These vent covers can also allow fingers to get stuck when the child goes to fish out the toy. Custom patterns in wood or metal vent covers allow you to choose the size of the holes and the direction of the airflow from your heater vents.

For the aesthetic purposes, vent covers offer a beautiful cover for unsightly air vents and register returns. There are custom wood vent covers that offer homeowners the opportunity to match their floors and provides the ability to lay the vent cover flush to the hardwood floors so there’s no raised surface. Custom metal vent covers offer a unique look for the finish of the heaters that are usually eyesores.

Choose the vent covers that are perfect for your function and fashion of your home from and finish your home’s look with perfection. Whether you want something that looks great and is durable for the kids and will keep their fingers and toys from getting in the vents or if you just want to have a great looking detail piece for your home, shop with us.